I bet you think a steak is worse than a chicken steak for cholesterol, right? According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, we cannot be more mistaken.

The study, led by scientists at the children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute, surprised even researchers with the discovery that both red meat and poultry consumption resulted in higher levels of cholesterol in the blood Consuming a comparable amount of vegetable proteins.

“When we planned this study, we expected red meat to have a worse effect on blood cholesterol levels than poultry, but we were surprised that this was not the case: its effects on cholesterol are identical when fat levels Saturated are equivalent “said the principal author of the study,

They are very important results, give new guidelines and advise to restrict the meat completely if you are looking to lower cholesterol levels. On the other hand, plant proteins are the healthiest to control these parameters.

Red meat consumption has become unpopular over the past decades due to concerns about its association with increased cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Therefore, dietary guidelines have focused on encouraging the consumption of poultry as a healthier alternative to red meat in the wrong way.Now we finally have a complete comparison of the effects of red meat, white meat and vegetable proteins on cholesterol,” Krauss said.

If you’re worried about your cholesterol, you know: vegetables, dairy and legumes are your allies.

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